As a leader of the Global Girls Initiative, a non-profit organization dedicated to eradicating period poverty by providing free menstrual hygiene products and product dispensers to high schools and middle schools across our state. My mission is to Implement the menstrual product dispensers in our school bathrooms.

The issue of period poverty is one that disproportionately affects young girls and women, hindering their access to education, dignity, and overall well-being. Our organization firmly believes that every girl should have access to the necessary resources to manage their menstrual health, regardless of their socioeconomic background. With this in mind, we have been working tirelessly to provide free menstrual hygiene products to schools, ensuring that no girl misses out on her education due to something as fundamental as her period. By installing product dispensers in schools, we have not only eliminated a financial barrier but also fostered an environment of open conversation and destigmatization surrounding menstrual health.

While I have been fortunate to be able to afford menstrual hygiene products, seeing the cause of those who struggle with the cost of these basic needs motivated me to join this organization. As a result, I reached out to the main organization in my junior year to grow the organization in Texas and around the world.

Within a few weeks, I was able to convince myself to take full ownership and worked on my own extension of the Global Girls Initiative in Texas. One of my initial leadership challenges was to reach out to my principal to implement the menstrual product dispensers in our school bathrooms. Although I was extremely passionate, I struggled to answer her questions like “How would you control vandalism?” “Who would refill the supplies?” Instead of feeling defeated, I felt even more motivated to learn how the main organization combated these questions, researched how menstrual product nonprofits accomplished their successes. Through these avenues, I was able to find solutions to my principal’s questions and successfully implemented the products at the New Tech High School in Coppell, Texas. Later I spent my weekends sending letters via post office to Texas Governor and 5000 + Texas Independent Schools, Wrote emails, Built Instagram and Facebook Followers and successfully implemented up to one school and getting started on another. Through this process, I learnt the power of one team, empowerment and purpose of life. I worked with my team to create the flyer for fundraising, Digital marketing, driving on the streets for period product drive, conducting several fundraising events. In one such event, we met a mom who explained to her 5-year-old daughter that this is the way to give back to the community. I was in tears of joy when she donated $100 as it made me feel more motivated to fulfill the mission of “No Texan left behind period poverty” and be an example to the future generation.

Benefits of implementing menstrual product dispensers in our school bathrooms:

  • Promoting Inclusivity
  • Reducing Absenteeism
  • Fostering Dignity
  • Educational Opportunity
  • Destigmatizing Menstruation

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Getting a college Degree in education from the best school in Texas will help me to carry my purpose of life for Global Girls with better impact. Teaching Texas school kids the power of Technology will train them to face the rest of the world. Also teaching special kids tech I enjoy and feel happy. This will be my dream life and fulfill the purpose of my life rather than falling for a fancy job in a fortune 500 company.